PBS Infinite Voyage series - "Living with Disaster" - Retro 80s doom documentary

Описание к видео PBS Infinite Voyage series - "Living with Disaster" - Retro 80s doom documentary

[CW : disaster, and people getting hurt.] Take a doom-filled wild ride as 1980s era scientists do whatever they can to innovate and save lives of those caught up in disasters, whether it be earthquakes or volcanos or hurricanes or danger to aircraft from wind shear. It's environmental sciences at it's finest and is still deeply relevant 35 years after it was first aired.

I've taken a slight artistic liberty, by cropping out the skewed video (typical of analog video at that time) and also given it a gentle AI upscaling method to bring it up to a more watchable 1440x1080.

Aired on 7 June 1989 on PBS WQED Pittsburgh

Major places featured:
National Hurricane Center in Coral Gables, Florida USA
Ocean City, Maryland USA
San Andreas Fault, Parkland California USA
United States Geological Survey office, Menlo Park California USA
EQE Earthquake Engineering design firm, San Francisco California USA
Nevado del Ruiz / Armero, Colombia
INGEOMINAS / Observatorio Vulcanologico de Colombia
Sakurajima 桜島 / Kagoshima 鹿児島 / Sakurajimafujinocho 桜島藤野町 in Japan


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