FFX-2 White Mage vs Angra Mainyu

Описание к видео FFX-2 White Mage vs Angra Mainyu

Wanted to make one showing how to beat Angra, but it's just too easy (though it takes a while without Cat Nip), so I made this. Since it's been beat up in earlier chapters, it has under 140K HP in chapter 5.

I love Yuna's overacting when she dies

Since so many keep asking:

Cat Nip: For N.A. and International version, it's on Floor 40 of V.I. For Japanese version, skip Moonflow in CH.1 and push Tobli in the elevator on Celsius in CH.2. (The Int version isn't much good as it forces Berserk) When a char equips Cat Nip and is in yellow (critical) health, every hit does 9999 damage.

Salvation Promised GG is in the new cave that opens in Thunder Plains. If you opened Den of Woe, you can use Supreme Light GG but neither is necessary.

Defense Bracer is found in Calm Lands Cavern
or bribe or Congrats Ultima Weapon (Chocobo Dungeon)
or oversouled Adamantoise (Calm Lands)
or oversouled Adamantortoise (Farplane).


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