Joaquin Sorolla

Описание к видео Joaquin Sorolla

This is the first video of a series dedicated to the lives of famous artists designed for children.

Joaquìn Sorolla y Bastida was a famous Spanish artist. Sorolla was able to represent the bright light of Spain in an incredible way.

Sorolla was fascinated by the landscape and the light and he was often painting outdoors wearing a suit. Sorolla was a very prolific artists and in his life he painted a number of landscapes, portraits and a body of works representing the different Spanish Provinces.
His style was influenced by his contemporaries and in some aspects from the Impressionists. Sorolla, however was able to develop his personal style. He used bright colours and big strokes.

This is what he said about his painting:
"I could not paint at all if I had to paint slowly. Every effect is so transient, it must be rapidly painted."


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