Magyar Királyi Palota Múltja és Jelene - The Story of the Hungarian Royal Palace

Описание к видео Magyar Királyi Palota Múltja és Jelene - The Story of the Hungarian Royal Palace

Videó a palotáról és a várnegyedről, amelyet a kommunista hatalom megfosztott régi arculatától, pompájától...
Sokan nem is tudják, hogy is nézett ki valójában a Budai Királyi Palota, illetve azt sem, hogy a mostani kinézete nem az eredeti. A videó az Ybl Miklós és Hauszmann Alajos által tervezett Budavári Palotát mutatja be filbejátszásokban, és képekben.
Zene: Philip Glass: Az órák (The Hours): Dead things, The Poet Acts

A video about the palace and the castle district. Communist power deprived of it's old look and splendour 10 years after the WWII. Many people don't even know what was the original apperance of the Hungarian Royal Palace. They don't know either the current apperance is not the original. This video shows pictures and archive films about the Royal Palace of Hungary which was constructed by Miklós Ybl and Alajos Hauszmann.

Music: Philip Glass: The Hours: Dead things, The Poet Acts

0:01- The past and the present of the Hungarian Royal Palace
0:28- Hauszmann's staircase at the southern side of the palace
0:34- The Habsburg staircase at the front-side
0:40- Changing of the guards
0:48- Halberdier guards
0:53- Throne room
0:55- Main staircase
1:12- Mátyás (Matthias) room with the equestrian statue of King Matthias. (This is the only object which survived the german and the soviet looting. You can find now in the National Gallery here in the "ex-palace".
1:21- Ball room
1:50- Hungarian Royal Spanish Riding School
1:59- 2:06- Stable palace
2:11-Crowning of the last (Austrian-)Hungarian king IV.Károly (Charles IV.) in december 30, 1916.
2:38- Otto Habsburg (little boy in the coach)
3:08- Life in the Royal Palace in the 1930's-1940's
3:13- Miklós Horthy de Nagybánya Regent of Hungary (1920-1944)
3:54- Invade of the germans to the castle district
4:02- Siege of Budapest
4:05- After Budapest's siege
4:46- Ball room after the siege
4:57- Ruined palace-chapel
5:02- Equestrian statue of Savoyai between the ruins
5:16- According to the architects after the siege the building was salvaged but the political leadership didn't care about it.
5:34- After the germans the soviets looted the palace also.
5:41- The communist leadership didn't do anything during 10 years. According the communist power it wasn't worth to rebuild the palace in it's original "ostentatious" baroque style.
5:58- They started the work without plans. They brought the castle district's unity to ruin. They demolished buildings which were nearly intact. Of course everything had the political explanation...
6:19- They destroyed the nearly intacted Royal Riding School consider the communist regime "vestiges of the upper-middle class"
6:43- The new regime didn't claime to castle-chapel
6:48- neither the building of the garrison
6:55- They demolished Hauszmann's "nowhere leader" staircase (at the southern side) reason of the rebuilding the fortress-system which was there formerly in the Middle-Ages.
7:11-The palace got a radically simplified apperance instead of the eclectical style got the worst architectual period in the 1950's and 1960's.
7:35- They made this with her
7:38- Buffet-hall
8:05- The architecture is the nation's look (Custine)


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