Creating Multizone Mesh in Ansys Workbench: Explained in Three Different Methods

Описание к видео Creating Multizone Mesh in Ansys Workbench: Explained in Three Different Methods

In this tutorial, we'll explore three efficient methods to generate a multizone mesh in Ansys Workbench using Ansys DesignModeler and Ansys Meshing. Starting with the simplest method, we’ll demonstrate how to create two zones and assign boundary conditions for automatic thermal interface coupling in Ansys Fluent, which is ideal for simpler geometries. For more complex setups, we’ll delve into the second method, where Ansys DesignModeler detects contact surfaces, offering flexibility in interface type selection in Fluent. Finally, our most advanced method covers naming interfaces directly in Ansys Meshing, a hands-on approach for complex geometries that provides manual control over interface selection in Fluent. Perfect for engineers and CFD enthusiasts aiming to enhance mesh quality for intricate simulations.

Get more information about the three utilized methods from the below link:


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