Bobby's Wish...To Be A Marine! 🌟 Make-A-Wish New Jersey

Описание к видео Bobby's Wish...To Be A Marine! 🌟 Make-A-Wish New Jersey

Things are different, things have changed in a post-Sandy world. So, in lieu of our traditional Thanksgiving letter, tonight our board and staff take great pride in sharing a wish story video tribute with you. As you'll soon see, some things have NOT changed at all, including our powerful mission! We dedicate this video to ALL people, everywhere, impacted by Superstorm Sandy. It's in honor too of all our donors and volunteers, who gift us their time, talents and treasures. But it's dedicated especially to wish children and families everywhere, some who are home this week, others who will remain in's particularly dedicated to those families who have lost a child, some who will be celebrating their first Thanksgiving without their precious angels. Our hearts ache for them. And finally, it's in honor of all men and women who wear the uniform that protects and ensures our freedom, and those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. And now, 'Bobby's Wish...To Be A Marine!"


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