A Cure For Loneliness | Unni Turrettini | TEDxYoungstown

Описание к видео A Cure For Loneliness | Unni Turrettini | TEDxYoungstown

People surround us, yet we have never been lonelier. Loneliness is one of the most pressing health issues of our time. The solution is more connection, but you won’t be able to connect unless you do this one thing. Unni Turrettini, an award-winning author and human connection expert, has explored loneliness since 2011, aiming to boost relational energy, well-being, and productivity in leaders and teams. Recognized as a notable figure by Brown Brothers Harriman in 2022, she has a diverse international background and holds law degrees from Norway, France, and the U.S. Now based in Oslo, Turrettini combines her legal and financial expertise with her passion for fostering human connections, evident in her appearances on the James Altucher Show and various keynotes.

In her talks on the loneliness epidemic, Turrettini tackles why people feel disconnected despite being surrounded by others, highlighting the importance of relational energy in overcoming loneliness and enhancing productivity. She offers insights into building meaningful connections to combat this modern health crisis. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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