Damu (Sasa Tumepewa Nguvu) - Nyasha Ngoloma Feat. Mary Monari & Dan Mugo

Описание к видео Damu (Sasa Tumepewa Nguvu) - Nyasha Ngoloma Feat. Mary Monari & Dan Mugo

Thanks for stopping by! Join us in reflecting on this beautiful and big love of Christ. God bless you.

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭53‬:‭5-‭6‬

▶︎ Song writer - Nyasha Ngoloma
- Instagram; @nyashangoloma

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▶︎ Ministration - Nyasha Ngoloma, Mary Monari & Dan Mugo
- Instagram; @nyashangoloma , @mary_mo & @danny_kan

𝑭𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 ↣↣ (https://www.instagram.com/nyashangolo..., (https://www.instagram.com/mary_monari..., (https://www.instagram.com/danny_kan?i...)

▶︎ Audio Mastering & Mixing - Supernal Sounds
Instagram; @bhekamthethwa
Youtube; ‪@bhekamthethwa6496‬
Twitter (X); @bhekamthethwa
TikTok; @bhekamthethwa

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▶︎ Video Editor - Mike Katetei
- Instagram; @profkatts

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▶︎ Photography - Josse Josse, Jeremy Amimo, Irungu Mwangi, Brian Nduati, Mark Kigen
Instagram; @thatsenseijossejosse, @jeremysarpeggio, @irush_m, @briannduati_, @mark_kigen

𝑭𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 ↣↣ (https://www.instagram.com/thatsenseij...) , (https://www.instagram.com/jeremysarpe... ), (https://www.instagram.com/irush_m?igs... ), (https://www.instagram.com/briannduati... ), (https://www.instagram.com/mark_kigen?... )

▶︎ Graphic Design - Crocs
Instagram; @crocs_bassmahn

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Damu (Sasa tumepewa nguvu)
Verse 1
Si rahisi mtu kufa kwa ajili ya mwenzake
(It’s not common for one to give their life for another)
Bali Kristo kwetu kaonyesha upendo wake
(but Christ showed His love for us)
Walimsulubisha kwa ajili ya mimi na wewe
(He was crucified for you and I)
Ili dhambi tusamehewe na tuokolewe
(so that our sins may be forgiven)
Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)
Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free - reigning with Christ)
Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)
Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free - reigning with Christ)
Verse 2
Walimsulubisha wakagawa mavazi yake
(They crucified him and divided up His clothes)
Wakayapigia kura kila mtu na yake
(They then cast lots on them)
Bali Kristo kwetu kaonyesha upendo wake
(but Christ showed His love for us)
Ili dhambi tusamehewe na tuokolewe
(so that our sins may be forgiven)
Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)
Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free - reigning with Christ)
Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)
Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free - reigning with Christ)
Verse 3
Nalo giza lilitanda juu ya nchi yote
(Darkness came over all the land)
Pazia la hekalu likapasuka vipande
(The curtain of the temple was torn to two)
Ukweli kudhibitika mkombozi ni yeye
(All the people acknowledged that He was the Saviour)
Messiah kafufuka hallelujah, mshindi milele
(The Messiah rose again, Hallelujah - the eternal victor!)
Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)
Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free - reigning with Christ)
Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)
Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free - reigning with Christ)
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Nimeoshwa kabisa
(I am sanctified)
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Ni damu ya Messiah
(by the blood of the Messiah)
Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)
Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free - reigning with Christ)
Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)
Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free - reigning with Christ)


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