Saturday Afternoon Q&A

Описание к видео Saturday Afternoon Q&A

Join us for our Saturday afternoon Q&A, where you can ask Pastor Robert Furrow questions about living for Jesus, the Bible, and the Christian life. The first question answered will be, "Do we find America in Bible prophecy?" Put your questions in the comment section add the word "Question" before your question, and we will get to them in order. Thank you!

0:00 Intro
1:05 If God is good, why is there evil and suffering?
6:46 Does the Bible tell us when Jesus became aware of His identity as God?
8:49 Would you officiate a gay wedding?
12:31 What does the Bible say about ghosts?
15:22 I have chronic pain; at times I feel comfort and peace from the Lord, and at times the pain is overwhelming and I feel abandoned. Is this lack of faith on my part?
18:15 In Matthew 16:28 Jesus says, “Some here will not see death until they see the Son of Man in His glory.” Is that literal?
22:29 What does the Bible say on getting the Covid-19 vaccine, and does this have any impact on our Christian witness?
24:13 Can two people consider themselves married before God without legally going down to the court? If it’s done with witnesses and a person that can do weddings?
27:18 What is your opinion on women like me who earn a living by stripping for men? My family are Christians, so I have not told them yet it’s how I make a living.
33.07 If I take the vaccine, is it due to a lack of faith in being protected?
24:25 If an employer asks you to use your talent to create art that goes against your Christian faith, should you quit or just do what they ask?
37:23 Do you think the Lord will tarry 100 or 200 years?
41:35 What is the best way to get our teenagers excited about studying the Bible? Can you suggest resources?
43:33 I ran into someone downtown this week, and he had a pamphlet with codes and scripture leading to Biden being the antichrist. Could that be true?
45:32 My question is how to continue on with the loss of my son and hurt for a relationship that just ended, with no remorse of embarrassing me by cheating? I just pray everyday for peace and to stop being angry and hurting.
47:03 Should we elope or have a wedding?
47:31 As a light-hearted question, what’s up why GM trucks? You of often use the last thing you hope to see is GMC. You are a Ram guy, right?


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