Start a FUN Homeschool Co-op! Part 1: The Basics

Описание к видео Start a FUN Homeschool Co-op! Part 1: The Basics

You CAN start your own FUN homeschool co-op! These days a lot of co-ops are all about academics, but a co-op that focuses on group learning in a fun way is...FUN!

This video is Part 1: The Basics, and gives you five specific, proven formats for fun homeschool co-ops, along with ideas for finding other families to join in. Stay tuned for Part 2: The Nitty Gritty, when we'll dive into all the specifics you need to get your co-op meetings up and rolling.

Starting a homeschool co-op isn't hard, it just takes some enthusiasm! So join me today and GET EXCITED about putting together a co-op you and your kids will love!

Shout out (for making me look talented!) to:
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
Photo by Lukas from Pexels

As always, Be Practical, Be Purposeful, Be Positive!
[email protected]


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