Penalty Double in Bridge with Jack Stocken

Описание к видео Penalty Double in Bridge with Jack Stocken

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Double has two meanings, take-out and penalty. Below is the criteria to tell you which is which.

If partner has passed or not yet bid, then double is for take-out
If partner has bid (ie 1♥ ) then double is for penalties

Double of an Opening Bid of 1NT

However there is one exception to the above and that is if a player opens 1NT. Then a double by either overcaller is for penalties. To double a 1NT opening bid you need:

16+ points
Any shape

As this is a penalty double, partner will pass and you will most often collect a handsome penalty.

The Penalty Double of a Suit Bid

When partner has made a positive bid (ie 1♥), an opponent has overcalled and you double, then this is a penalty double and partner should pass. Make a penalty double if:

You think the opponents have overbid or stolen your contract
You have honours and length in the opponents suit (and good points) and think you could defeat their contract by at least two tricks
An opponent opens 1NT (you would need 16+ points)


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