Eye of the Beholder (Amiga) Playthrough (No Commentary) - Perseus the Pegasus Mailman

Описание к видео Eye of the Beholder (Amiga) Playthrough (No Commentary) - Perseus the Pegasus Mailman

This is my playthrough of Eye of the Beholder for the Commodore Amiga.

Sorry for yet ANOTHER Eye of the Beholder upload to the channel, folks, but it's been about a week since I last uploaded anything on this channel, at least, and I felt I needed to upload something here because this channel was beginning to feel a bit neglected.

Anyways, everything that could be said for this game, I said in my playthroughs of the DOS version, of which I have done two, and you can check the original one here (   • Видео  ) and the rerun of the DOS version here (   • Видео  ).

However, while playing this game, I did notice that the Amiga version has a small few advantages when compared to the DOS version, to me at least. The first and most obvious is that on the Kenku level of the game, the Magic Missile blasts explode faster and don't hold up the game for as long. The second one is that when creating characters, if you choose to modify the stats and you should hold down the button or click it too many times, it doesn't take half a century for it to stop counting! The third advantage, and probably the most obvious, is that this version of Eye of the Beholder actually has a proper ending! You know, that thing that the DOS version of Eye of the Beholder should have had!?

Anyways, I still have a bit of a soft spot for Eye of the Beholder's DOS version, but should I ever get the urge to play it again and not do all the grinding that I did in the DOS version, I'll definitely give the Amiga version another spin, mostly due to the fact that I can't import my party from the first game to the second, and if you've played the second Eye of the Beholder game all the way to the end, beaten it, then you'll know exactly why that is. Especially if you found Severious in the previous game. It and the Chieftan's Halberd are like cheat codes for Eye of the Beholder 2: The Legend of Darkmoon.

Anyways, I know that you probably wanted something different, and I do plan on getting the Fallout and Dark Souls playthroughs that you didn't know I was doing up at some point, but they're in the works, it's just that they're gonna take a while, especially Dark Souls with all of the grinding and farming that needs to be done to beat the game. So again, my apologies for the filler, but I hope you understand and respect my decision for this.


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