Learn How To EQ Your Voice🎤⬇️⁠

Описание к видео Learn How To EQ Your Voice🎤⬇️⁠

Everything below 60Hz you can cut off…✂️⁠

It’s just rumbling noise👎⁠

Around 120Hz is all the boominess…💥⁠

But don’t take too much off or it’ll start sounding really thin and hollow🕳️⁠

Around 350Hz is where all the boxiness is in the vocals📦⁠

1kHz to 2kHz is all the nasally sounding stuff👃🏼⁠

Around the 5K is all the “essy” sounds🐍⁠

Everything over around 10kHz is loads of air and gives you a really nice smooth top end💨⁠

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