Intermediate gundog training exercise- Push backs & whistle proofing

Описание к видео Intermediate gundog training exercise- Push backs & whistle proofing

These 3 exercise are useful to test your dog is responsive to your whistle commands and tests your verbal release commands.

Exercise 1- Walk your dog our to a point and sit them up, throw a dummy out a good distance behind them allowing them to "mark" the dummy. Leave your dog where they are and you walk back to the start point. Raise your arm and push your dog back onto the dummy to retrieve using your release command. This tests your dog's understanding of a push back retrieve.

Exercise 2- Walk your dog our to a point and sit them up, throw a dummy out a good distance behind them allowing them to "mark" the dummy. Leave your dog where they are and you walk back to the start point. Recall your dog all the way back into you, then line your dog out and send them for the retrieve. This tests your dogs recall whistle as they have to leave the retrieve and come back to you, it also tests their memory and line running skills to then send them back for the dummy.

Exercise 3- Walk your dog our to a point and sit them up, throw a dummy out a good distance behind them allowing them to "mark" the dummy. Leave your dog where they are and you walk back to the start point. Recall the dog part way back to you and then stop them off your whistle, then push your dog back on the retrieve with your release command.

* Take your time in the exercise and don't rush with your commands.
* If you have a helper to hand this is always useful as they can remove the dummy if the dog does not get the exercise right and tried to run in on the retrieve, this then stops them self rewarding with the dummy.


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