Lost Judgment: Ultimate Gauntlet Complete Run

Описание к видео Lost Judgment: Ultimate Gauntlet Complete Run

mod made by k8say (once again)

been a slow week for me so wasnt able to cook up something more creatively fulfilling this time but im feeling that urge to make regular youtuber stuff thats more likely to get views but no subs. not out of despiration mind you i just have some things id want to talk about like shows and such ive been watching lately.
since this ones a long video ill be a little more self indulgent in the "journalistic" aspect of these uploads so as to make up for the lack of real substance.

assuming i ever get any traction from these id prefer to avoid the label that im some youtuber or influencer (awful term im aware) since the "job" its now associated with feels like its gotten away from what the word originally meant in my opinion.
i dont have a problem with that since words and their meanings/implications change over time and thats inevitable. a part of me however cant help but feel like theres a shame in that.
id like to avoid going on some rant about how the ways we used to do things was better since i dont feel like its productive to go down that line of thinking. people and the way they choose to express themselves are always changing and its impossible to expect anyone to hold on to certain aspects of that creativity forever.
to some extent part of the fun in expression is taking note of how differently you would go about an idea as opposed to now though its likely to make you cringe and fill you with unparalleled embarrassment when you look back and realize you made an incredibly simple mistake or went about an idea poorly. identifying where youve improved is something i havent really seen anyone mention when it comes to getting better at something (though i cant say ive looked out for self help styled content) and to me it feels like thats equally as important as any other step. it can become a source of inspiration or lead to a better understanding of your current situation

theres more i want to write but i look at the character limit and cant help but feel like this is a little too self indulgent and too big of a topic for a gameplay video so ill leave things here for now and i hope that if you read this it did something for you be it positive or "wow that was a waste of my time"


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