Ambient beat Jam with OP-1 field & volca fm | Stairs 2024-06-22

Описание к видео Ambient beat Jam with OP-1 field & volca fm | Stairs 2024-06-22

A piece created with the OP-1 field and volca fm . The OP-1 field is processed through the Strymon blueSky, while the volca fm plays sequences and controls the sounds.

OP-1 fieldとvolca fmによる作品。OP-1 fieldにはStrymon blueSkyをかけ、volca fmではシーケンスを再生しつつ音色をコントロールしている。

#dawless #electronica #dawlessjam #electronicmusic #op1field #ambient #ambientmusic #teenageengineering #ambientbeat


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