How to solve the world's biggest problems in one go | Allard Sjollema | TEDxHotelschoolTheHague

Описание к видео How to solve the world's biggest problems in one go | Allard Sjollema | TEDxHotelschoolTheHague

Common wisdom tells us that to change the world you have to start small, preferably with yourself, the proverbial man in the mirror. But what happens if you start ridiculously big, and try to solve three of the world's biggest problems at the same time? Allard started his career with Makro, working in 10 countries across Western & Eastern Europe and South America. He then joined Tesco in China before becoming CEO of Courts Malaysia, an electronic and furniture retailer with over 60 stores. Subsequently he founded GCN Group Asia, a niche consultancy firm advising major retailers across Asia. He is currently co-owner of FreeThe Seed, a green tech company in Malaysia, and MyWarung Restaurants in Bali, Indonesia. Allard studied Law at Rijksuniversiteit Leiden and has an MBA from The University of Pittsburgh. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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