佛山为什么“能打”,因为佛山处处是功夫!佛山城市文旅微短剧《有功夫 来佛山》预告片重磅来袭,一起来感受佛山传统与现代相交融的魅力,领略佛山无处不在的岭南风情和功夫精神!正片蓄势待发

Описание к видео 佛山为什么“能打”,因为佛山处处是功夫!佛山城市文旅微短剧《有功夫 来佛山》预告片重磅来袭,一起来感受佛山传统与现代相交融的魅力,领略佛山无处不在的岭南风情和功夫精神!正片蓄势待发

佛山為什麼“能打”,因為佛山處處是功夫!佛山城市文旅微短劇《有功夫 來佛山》預告片重磅來襲,一起來感受佛山傳統與現代相交融的魅力,領略佛山無處不在的嶺南風情和功夫精神!正片蓄勢待發
Why can Foshan "fight"? Because Foshan is full of kung fu! The trailer for the short drama "Kung Fu Comes to Foshan" in Foshan's urban cultural and tourism industry is coming, let's experience the charm of the fusion of tradition and modernity in Foshan, and appreciate the ubiquitous Lingnan style and Kung Fu spirit in Foshan! The main film is ready to take off and will be officially released in mid to late September


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