Darkside (Music Video)

Описание к видео Darkside (Music Video)

So so excited to of finally be able to post this music video. But this isn't just any video... this is officially the 100th video, on my channel! And Music Video #14! I really hope you enjoy(ed) this video. I knew that when the dragon horses came out that I wanted to make a music video staring the dragon horses. But I didn't know anything else really about what I wanted to do for it. Till one day I was chatting with one of my friends on SSO about music videos and what song I should do. When she named the song "Darkside". I had never herd the song before so of course I looked it up. And immediately LOVED the song! It fit what I wanted to go for, for this music video so well and it sounded amazing! So thank you friend for showing me this song! This isn't the first time I have been chatting with a friend and they say or do something that gives me an idea, even if they didn't mean to lol. Thank you to all my suporters, subscribers and friends for being there for me, giving me ideas and helping make these videos possible. ❤️

Instagram: @eva_flowershield
Discord: evaflowershield 6931
Website: evaflower.weebly.com
Server: Pumpkin Meadow
Link: https://starstablenetworks.sjv.io/9WA7a4


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