Nazr E Bad Ka Ilaj | Nazare Bad Ki Doua | Rohani Wazifa | Rohani ilaj

Описание к видео Nazr E Bad Ka Ilaj | Nazare Bad Ki Doua | Rohani Wazifa | Rohani ilaj

Nazr E Bad Ka Ilaj | Nazar Lag Jana | Rohani Wazifa | Rohani Ilaj
All the content in these videos is created by the owner of this channel. So no reuse is allowed. This is the official YouTube channel of Abdul Rahman. Abdul Rehman is a voice over artist from Pakistan and creates videos containing "Rohani wazaif & islamic info", which aims to convey Islamic information to the audience.

About this video:

nazre bad ki doua
nazre bad ka ilaj
nazre bad ki alamat
nazre bad ka wazifa
nazr e bad ka ilaj
nazr e bad ka wazifa
rohani wazifa
rohani ilaj.


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