Clumsy Ninja Released - Gameplay

Описание к видео Clumsy Ninja Released - Gameplay

Get this game in the App Store:

[UPDATE 08/12/2014: There's a newer and better way of recording the screen. The tutorial is here:
   • Видео   ]

[UPDATE 03/12/2013: A lot of people have asked how I can record my iDevice, so here is the answer - I use a Mac/PC application called that allows you to use your computer as an AirPlay Mirroring receiver, and the program has internal recording features, including sound. It's a neat little piece of software and I highly recommend you to check it out if you want to make screencasts or review videos of iOS apps.]

Purchase link:
Please support the developer of Reflector by purchasing a legitimate copy, and not using illegal pirated versions! Thank you.

[UPDATE 22/11/2013: Clumsy Ninja is now available in the App Store for all countries. Before, it was just Singapore.]

First unveiled in during the Apple special event in September 2012, Clumsy Ninja is an extraordinary feat of AI physics design.

Through years of research with Oxford University, NaturalMotion Games incorporated advanced AI that allowed digitally-created characters to have a behaviour of their own, responding to user-input stimuli. With the power of the Apple A7 CPU, you could interact with the ninja in natural ways that would have required a supercomputer to achieve years before.

(Update: Credit to YouTube user ProfRat for correcting me that the research was done by Oxford University, not Cambridge. Thank you!)


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