Moodys Diagram and the Friction Factor - Darcy vs Fanning  Applied Fluid Dynamics - Class 029

Описание к видео Moodys Diagram and the Friction Factor - Darcy vs Fanning  Applied Fluid Dynamics - Class 029

This is a very important Class! Don’t miss any detail!

Friction Factor is a dimensionless number which relates the friction with pressure drop. Then relates this with the Reynolds Number and the Relative Roughness of the Material.

Be aware not to use Fanning and Darcy’s Factor interchangeably! They have different values since they are based in different friction concepts. In general 4f. (fanning) = 1f (darcy)

For laminar flow, you may ignore relative roughness (yes, ignore diameter and material!) and use the law f.f. = 64/Re

For transient states, avoid using friction factors

Last, for turbulent, use the Moody’s Diagram which relates Reynold’s number vs. Relative roughness.

Once you get to Moody’s diagram. Find Reynolds Number Value, then intersect it (vertically) with Relative roughness. Then get the friction factor horizontally (to the left)

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