Описание к видео PRAYER AGAINST EXAMS IN THE DREAM - Evangelist Joshua TV

#EvangelistJoshuaOrekhie #PrayersAgainstSpiritualExams

Every student don't escape writing exams. Exam writing is a way of proving ones knowledge over some studied courses; In dream, the definition is almost the same. If you dream of writing exams could be a good or bad dream depending on the theme. However, if you dream that you were unable to finish the exams, it indicates failure and difficulty to succeed. But if you wrote the exams and pass, this gives you joy isn't it? Then it symbolizes breakthrough.
Some people often dream of finding themselves writing exams in their old collage or primary school, in this case, this is a bad seed of shame, backwardness and wasted efforts. Perhaps you are getting prepared to write exams in your waking life, then dreaming about exams isn't a bad omen. It only reveals to you that you should get prepared for your upcoming test, or exams.

Similarly, passing your exams in your dream can be pictures of promotion and favour. In dreams, there are various set of people that may want to jeopardize our destiny dreams. However, if you dream that your teacher, refused to take your exams script, then it shows there is an evil strongman who is waiting for your failure, demotion and losses. Or you suddenly found someone tore your exam paper, it therefore means the enemy has destroyed you.

To specifically dream that you fail the exam or test generally symbolizes that you are going to experience another form of delay and suffering. It is important to recognize that you need to break any bad spirit, curses or evil covenant that is working against your destiny.

Writing exams in spirit realm is good, if you are able to successfully find answers to the questions that you need to succeed in the exam. If you found yourself taking the exams in your present academic environment can also be described as good dream.

To dream that your pen ink is dried or you can't find where you kept pen, then this is a foundational powers assigned to swallow your tools for greatness. God will deliver you from ancestral powers that doesn't want you or people in your family line to experience early breakthrough.


1. Power of limitation programmed into my destiny, expire, in Jesus name.
2. I release myself from satanic classroom, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every foundational powers against my academic progress, die, in Jesus name.
4. O God, arise and speak success and possibilities into my life, in Jesus name.
5. I shall be celebrated and rewarded for my good works, in Jesus name.
6. Lord, let the power waiting for my downfall to stumble and fall, in Jesus name.
7. Every power that want my life to end like this, die by fire, in Jesus name.
8. Every satanic teacher, assigned to fail me in life, you are a liar, scatter, in Jesus name.


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