My LEGO landscaping stuff!!

Описание к видео My LEGO landscaping stuff!!

I will do a tutorial on how to build the trailer and all of the stuff shown the truck came from a lego set and it had the two four wheelers. Brickboys518 design is the leaf blower and the mower the design of the stand on mower can for mr321s LEGO channel thank you so much guys plz like subscribe follow me on Instagram Snapchat and twitter leave post notifications I and guess what you get a free shout out but you have to tell me i the comments when done. Instagram jason_husky27 Snapchat jason_husky27 Twitter jason_husky27 I’m not gonna tell you guys my Facebook because I don’t want you guys texting me when I’m bigger I will tell you.

My gear I record with iPhone 6 I use my LEGO Tri pod to get the good camera view peace


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