Episode 2 - I Don't Trust MyCleanPC or MyCleanID ( 2024 )

Описание к видео Episode 2 - I Don't Trust MyCleanPC or MyCleanID ( 2024 )

#scambait #scambaiting #scambaiter
Let's chat about MyCleanPC. You've probably seen those ads promising to supercharge your computer, right? Well, it's time to separate fact from fiction. Users are saying it doesn't quite deliver the speed boost it promises. Some folks fork over cash hoping for a lightning-fast computer, only to end up disappointed.

And those ads? They're everywhere, popping up when you least expect them. Plus, there's this whole mystery around how it actually works. Like, what's going on behind the scenes?

Privacy is another concern. People worry about what happens to their info when they run the scans. And getting help or a refund? It's a bit of a headache.

In short, MyCleanPC has some trust issues. Stick around as we dive into what's really going on behind the scenes. Let's keep it real, folks.

In Episode 2 we're going to do a live install with a tech expert, right here on our channel. You won't believe it, but our Windows real-time protection picked it up as a virus, the tech views our password in our vault and more! If that doesn't confirm the reports, I don't know what will. Stay tuned for the live demo.

How their software works: After digging into what the software flagged, I totally get how it finds these errors. It hunts for stuff like empty registry keys and treats each as a problem. Sure, I've got some empty ones, and yeah, they might slow down the PC a little. Removing them could potentially speed things up slightly. But is it worth it to remove an empty registry key? They often serve as placeholders and might be used later. If I ditch them now, it could screw up some apps in the future. That’s why I’m not all about deleting every empty key out there. Plus, tools like CCleaner don’t even bother scanning for all of them. Messing with the registry can lead to major issues, even preventing your computer from booting. So yeah, that’s why I steer clear of most registry cleaners—it’s just too dicey, especially for someone who isn't a tech expert.


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