Evolution of Cars | ( 1770 - 2023)

Описание к видео Evolution of Cars | ( 1770 - 2023)

In this video we'll take you in excited journey to see evolution of Cars manufacturing from 2 centuries' until now , we start from Fardier a’ vapeur (first steam automobile ) and De Rivaz’s vehicle first internal combustion engine also we will talk about People who have left their mark in this industry like henry ford , Daimler ,Seigfried Marcu’s , Gustave Trouve’ and big brands like Daimler, Panhard, Porsche ,Renault , Ford , Chevrolet , Bugatti etc
and the effect of WW2 in this industry

0:00 First Century of Automobile industry
2:25 Beginning of 20th Century
5:09 WW2
6:50 1960s - 70s era
11:27 1980s - 90s era
13:30 modern days

Music used :

1- Collegiate Love - Cornell Smelser and his Orchestra
2- The Uptown Lowdown - Isham Jones
3- Let Me Groove - Music Unlimited
4- The White Cliffs of Dover - Vera Lynn
5-Help! -The Beatles

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