"Sperm" / Sperm Production/ Male Sperm

Описание к видео "Sperm" / Sperm Production/ Male Sperm

Sperm production, also known as spermatogenesis, is a process that takes place in the testicles and involves the production of millions of sperm cells each day: 

Hormonal stimulation

The hypothalamus in the brain releases a hormone that stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). These hormones travel to the testes, where LH stimulates the Leydig cells to produce testosterone, and FSH acts on the seminiferous tubules to produce sperm. 

Cell division

Stem cells in the seminiferous tubules multiply through mitosis, creating new cells. Half of these new cells become sperm cells, while the other half remain as stem cells to ensure a constant supply of germ cells. 


The sperm cells move from the outer portion of the seminiferous tubule to a more central location, where they attach to Sertoli cells. The sperm then move to the epididymis, the ducts behind the testicles, where they mature for about 14 days. 

Daily production

The testicles produce 200–300 million sperm cells per day, but only about 50–100 million of these become viable sperm. 


A healthy person can release 80–300 million sperm per ejaculation. 

The entire process of spermatogenesis can take anywhere from 74 to 120 days. The body maintains a surplus of sperm to ensure there's a fresh supply for conception. 

Lifestyle factors can impact sperm production and quality. Some things you can do to improve your sperm health include:

Avoiding smoking, heavy drinking, and using illicit drugs

Wearing loose-fitting underwear

Limiting exposure to heat, such as saunas and hot tubs

Avoiding exposure to toxins, such as pesticides and lead 

If you're concerned about your sperm count, you can talk to a doctor who can help assess your fertility and make a plan. 

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