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I Mohsin Raza, Welcome you to my new YouTube Chanel named as Key to Success. This is our First Video "ENG201 Final Term | A Video to Pass Business & Technical English Writing | 50 MCQs with Key | Part - 1". This video will help you to learn about the basic and advance concepts of English, Business and Technical English Writing, Technical English, Interview Questions, Report, Prefatory parts, Body of report, Supplementary parts, Bibliography, Index, Appendix, Glossary, Visual Aids, AIDS, Title Page, Specific, Precise, Concise, Clear, Goal Oriented, Alphanumeric System, Decimal System, Adjustment letter, Complaint letter, Claim Letter, Bad News Message, Diagrams, Expressions, Body language, Tables, Line, Charts, Graphs, Picture, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Feasibility Report, Short Report, Long Report, Open-Ended Questions, Direct Open-Ended Questions, Closed-Ended Questions, Restatement Questions, and much more on Technical English. I hope you will learn a lot through this lecture and this will also help you to prepare the MID or Final Term Exam.
If you ever need anything, please feel free to reach out me at my eMail [email protected] and at my contact +92 301 685 2116 same as on WhatsApp no.
Enjoy Key to Success - Online Learning!
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