Nerdy Gurdy Basic : How to finish the wheel!

Описание к видео Nerdy Gurdy Basic : How to finish the wheel!


In this video we will show you how to finish the wheel
on your self-built Nerdy Gurdy or Nerdy Gurdy Basic!

One of the most important bits on the hurdy gurdy is the wheel. In order to get a smooth and consistent sound, you will need to finish the wheel so that it runs as true as possible.

When you bought a pre-built Nerdy Gurdy Basic directly from Nerdy Gurdy,
we have already finished the wheel for you. You do not need to do this yourself.

The video shows you how to:
- scrape the wheel
- sand away the last wood fibres and edges
- add rosin and cotton
- Adjust string pressure

What you need:
- Your self-built Nerdy Gurdy or Nerdy Gurdy Basic with the wheel already mounted
- A strap
- Proper lights
- A sharp, single sided or Stanley blade
- 600 - 800 grit sandpaper
- Vacuum cleaner

For the second part you will need:
- violin / viola rosin
- lint free cotton cloth
- strings
- cotton / viscose fibres

This video was made by Jimi Hellinga and Sanne van Gend.
A big thank you to Sophia Wolf for the German subtitles!
Subtitles in NL / DE / EN


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