砖 畅 张 Major Hollywood and independent movie studios have appointed filmbay again 把 後

Описание к видео 砖 畅 张 Major Hollywood and independent movie studios have appointed filmbay again 把 後

AFM MARKET... ("Who Are The Buyers?")
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AFM ("American Film Market") is raging hot & heavy. It is now 4 days into an 8-day market. The lobby at the Loews Hotel is as hyper as ever with everyone, who haven't talked to each other, in 6 months since Cannes (spring), acting as if they're the best of best friends, slapping each other on their backs with the token 3 tap, over the shoulder-hug, and querying "What's Up", "How U Been", "What Are Ya Selling", "Hey You Look Good", "Bought Anything", "You've Lost Weight" salutary greeting and quickly proceeding to ... talking about their hot property which has no names and will be the next "Hangover-12" or "Bridesmaids 7", or their re-make of the "Charlie Chan" and "F-Troop" TV series, which they have exclusive rights to, with a script that they have "out-to" Annette Benning, Jodi Foster and Julianne Moore who all "love it"...and 80% of the $15-$20 Million financing firmly committed...but they still can't afford an $8 Cappuccino and parked their car 4 blocks away from the hotel for they couldn't afford the parking but had $3.50 (14 quarters) for the meter for 2 hours.

Welcome to Hollywood.

The market ("AFM") is where you, as a Seller or a Producer, either, bring your finished film and sell it (correct phrase is "license it") nation-by-nation or territory-by-territory around the world to maximize revenues or attempt to Pre-Sell the "Package" (Title, Poster, Talent, Budget, Director), at a discounted price, if you had had it already made, to raise the money to make it.

Let me help your trek by giving you, nation-by-nation some of the main buyers that actually write the checks for their territories. However, I do advise to develop a relationship with them before the market and not just expect to drop into their room or they drop into your room and you hit them with your "Pitch" and say "Give me a check".

By-the-by: If you are Pre-Selling, but a nobody, you want a room (aka: 8-day office) on the 5th floor (more foot traffic). And, If you are a somebody, and Selling then you want a Suite on the 6th-7th Floors (more exclusive) but not next door at the Marigot Hotel where all the late exhibitors are housed.

Anyway: Here are some Buyers or Pre-Buyers...nation-by-nation: There are approximately 35 Nations or Territories (Middle East. East Africa, SE Asia, etc. are Territories) that you can make exclusive licensing deals with...below are just the first 9 nations, alphabetical order, with one of the 3-10 companies (Distributor, Exhibitor, Network, etc.) in that nation that buys (aka: Acquires) product...

America has been saturated with Multi-Plexes for 30 years. However, every other nation, around-the-world, just started building Multi-Plexes 5 years ago. Thus, the Foreign Market, for American Films is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Don't wait. You have to start sometime.

Thus, if you are in America, especially the West Coast, and you have been fantasizing for 10 years about going to Cannes to see how the film business works then why wait. Santa Monica is closer than France. The beach in Santa Monica is nicer than Cannes. Plus, a Cappucino in Santa Monica is only $8 and $22 in Cannes and a burger, with Diet Coke, is only $16.05 in Santa Monica or $66.75 in Cannes. Then hop on a plane and attend the final 2-3 days of the American Film Market ("AFM") where all the Buyers & Sellers from around the world meet in the lobby of the Loews Hotel.

Happy Filmmaking, The Filmbay Team,
*Produce *Finance *Write *Direct *Distribute *Profit

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