The Path to Communication - Episode 1 - Wildwood Sanitarium (Pilot Episode)

Описание к видео The Path to Communication - Episode 1 - Wildwood Sanitarium (Pilot Episode)

Season 1 - Episode 1 (Pilot Episode)

A fatal car crash and a suicide. John and Katie both lost their younger brothers under tragic circumstances. This has amplified their desire to solve the paranormal and reconnect to the ones they hold so dearly to their hearts.
Their journey begins at a place they both refer to as "their second home", the Wildwood Sanitarium. This historic location is known for being a place of "spiritual healing" where some people receive messages from their lost loved ones.
What will Katie and John discover? Will they make contact with either of their brothers. What they learn from their experiments?

Message from Cast Member - Katie Peak:

"When I think of Anson Michael, one word comes to mind, Family. Anson was my brother-in-law, but I never considered him that. If you didn't grow up with brothers, he was the kind you secretly wished you had. The weird, awkward, silly 8-year-old that I got to watch grow into an incredible 20-year-old man.
I grew up with two biological sisters, and when I met Anson's older brother and we started dating, I was hopeful that one day I would gain 2 more sisters and three brothers. When we later married, I was elated to finally be able to call them my brothers and sisters. And I have never stopped thinking of them that way.
I never considered them my "in laws". I was 15 when I met the family, and from day 1, they treated me like one of their own, so why would I treat them any different. They were and are incredibly important to me. Even though my son's father and I didn't work out, I will forever consider those kids, family. I believe family are those that we
surround ourselves with. If I consider you family, you are family.
My son had his uncle in his life for 2 short years. Anson was killed by a drunk driver 7 days before his nephew turned 2. We buried his uncle and then pretended to celebrate the little precious life. He would never get to see grow into the young man he is today. Nicholas only knows Uncle Ans through the stories and photos. He doesn't remember his voice, his laugh, his energy. We
try to fill in the blanks, but how much can you really know someone without meeting them and truly feeling their presence?
A presence that I would give anything to have back. My son will turn 20 in two months. He will be the same age Anson was when he died. I don't think I have ever really sat and thought about that until now. Writing that scares me. My son is about to turn 20. So, seven days before, I will think of that day when my brother lost his life and will forever be...20.
I want people to hear Anson's story, and Jeremy's story and take something from it. I want someone to think about their choices, and maybe put down that last drink, or call that family member and ask for that ride or tell them that they are not in a good place, and could they maybe come over and hang out. I want someone to hear the stories of Anson and Jeremy, and the family they left behind and have it resonate with them. I want to show people that if you care enough about someone, do whatever you need to do to keep their story and memory alive. I want to try to heal people.
I don't care that he isn't "technically" my brother. I think it's cruel to make someone feel like they don't have a right to grieve someone, or to tell someone what their relationship is with another. I have many people in my life, (some of you might be reading this right now), that I consider my sister or brother, or a second mom or dad. You have been given that title by me and earned it. Consider yourself lucky! Most people will say, "blood is thicker than water", you are so wrong!
The phrase is actually, "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”.
The meaning of this phrase is actually the opposite of the way we use it. The saying actually means that bonds that you've made by choice are more important than the people that you are bound to by the water of the womb.
I truly hope that you watch The Path to Communication and reach out to someone you are missing on the other side. Maybe sit in their favorite chair or grab their afghan and wrap yourself in their love.
By telling their stories, you keep them around you, doesn't everyone alive or dead deserve to be remembered? I would hope that when I pass on, you all do that for me. I leave you with this. Love those around you, scream their names into the universe, look for signs that they are thinking of you too. Enjoy The Path to Communication. Our little labor of love, for two brothers, who meant the world to us."

Some of the music was composed by Miquel Pardo and is owned by John Griffin II. The music composed by Miquel Pardo may NOT be used without the written permission of John Griffin II. Additional music used in this episode were purchased through Jonh Griffin II's Storyblocks subscription.


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