Knitting is making a comeback

Описание к видео Knitting is making a comeback

(30 Mar 2009)
Edinburgh, Scotland, 22nd December 2008
1.Wide of Stitch and Bitch' knitting group in book store 'Boarders'
2.Various of group members
3.Close of member knitting
4.Mid of knitter
5.Close of member knitting
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Maggie Greenwood, 'Boarders' Book store manager and Knitter:
" Well we range in age from 20's up into the 60's. A range of professional people, we have students come in, some retired ladies and a whole range of experiences. We've got people like myself who are pretty much complete novices, to people who can knit a jumper in approximately three hours it seems like sometimes, but we have a fantastic range of people coming and joining in."
7. Various of knitters
8. SOUNDBITE: (English) Vox Pop, Carron Forbes, Stitch and Bitch group member:
"I attend the group because it's a little bit of me time and I get to meet some good friends, good chat and coffee and cake, what more could you ask for?."
9. SOUNDBITE: (English) Vox Pop, Vicky (Last name not available) Stitch and Bitch group member:
"Well my neighbour dragged me along here one night and I have been addicted ever since."
10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Vox Pop, Katherine Joyce Stitch and Bitch group member:
"Well I have never knitted a sock and there is somebody, there is always someone here who has done something so you can get advice from someone else."
11. SOUNDBITE: (English) Vox Pop, Anne Guffry, Stitch and Bitch group member:
" I am knitting a jumper and I attend the group because its friendly and get help with any bits you're stuck on."
12. Close of wool
13. Mid of knitting group
14. Close of knitting
15. Set up of Katy Beven, The Crafts Council Participation and Learning Manager
16. Close of Katy knitting
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Katy Beven, The Crafts Council Participation and Learning Manager:
"It's fantastic isn't it that more people are knitting?. There are people actively knitting in public which seems to be quite a controversial act for something that's just a domestic art traditionally."
18. Close of Katy knitting
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Katy Beven, The Crafts Council Participation and Learning Manager:
"There's something about doing actual physical learning with your hands that connects parts of your brain that other ways of learning just don't do."
London, United Kingdom, December 20th 2008
20. Wide of contemporary artist Dirk Robertson in his studio
21. Wide of bag knitted out of recycled shopping bags
22. Close of label "100% RECYCLED HANMADE IN UK"
23. Close of large knitting needles
24. Close of Dirk Robertson
25. SOUNDBITE (English) Dirk Robertson, Contemporary knitter:
"I think its excellent.I think it really is verging on more and more people becoming interested for all variety of reasons and it absoultely isn't just for women. I think it depends on who you are you can get caught up in to me is a bit of nonsense. Gender issues you know, men do this women do that, I mean times have changed - we've moved away from that."
26. Close of Dirk knitting
27. SOUNDBITE (English) Dirk Robertson, Contemporary knitter:
" I am knitting with old discarded plastic shopping bags people no longer need, want or leave lying in the street or any people keep them, they have holes in them, the handles are broken they are not using them again. So people who know what I do keep them for me. I just like the idea of giving something a new life."
28.Various of shopping bags
29.Close of Dirk cutting up old plastic bags
30.Close up of Dirk knitting
31. Close of 'Kensington purse bag'

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