Columbia Helicopters Model 234 Chinook CH47D Vertol 107-II Aerial Firefighting Capabilities

Описание к видео Columbia Helicopters Model 234 Chinook CH47D Vertol 107-II Aerial Firefighting Capabilities

Fighting Fires is What We Do!



Columbia Helicopters has a robust firefighting capability that includes the Columbia Model 234 LR and Columbia CH-47D Chinooks equipped with the world’s largest internal tanks. In addition, all our aircraft are capable of using the Bambi bucket to fight fires. Whatever aircraft or equipment our customers choose, Columbia delivers effective, cost-effective fire fighting helicopters, equipment and crews.


• Industry’s first Standard Transport Category Firefighting helicopter
• 19 passenger configuration
• 2,800 gallon internal fire tank
• 5.5 hour range


Columbia Helicopters is a leader in aerial firefighting and has been providing this service globally since 1967.

Columbia’s fleet of heavy-lift helicopters are the Columbia Model 234 Chinook, the Columbia CH-47D Chinook, and the Columbia Model 107-II Vertol. Each aircraft is suited for a variety of missions in support of aerial firefighting. Columbia’s fleet of helicopters deploys to fires equipped with the SEI Powerfill Torrentula Bambi Bucket or the Simplex Fire Attack System (FAS) internal tank. Aircraft and fire suppression and retardant methods are determined by customer requirements, terrain and environmental conditions. Columbia will work with the customer to determine the best combination of aircraft and equipment for the customer’s mission.

Internal Tank:
Our Simplex Fire Attack System is available for the Columbia
CH-47D Chinook helicopters. This system is designed with
a 2,800 gallon (10,599 liters) water or retardant tank and a
139.7 gallon (529 liters) foam tank. The pilot can drop a full
load of water or retardant in four seconds, or combination
of settings as required by the customer. The Fire Attack
System is also equipped with a Telemetry Unit that provides
real time information on dip site location, drop site location
and amount of suppressant or retardant delivered. The tank
can be filled at a tanker base through 3 inch (7.62 cm) lines
or the tank can be filled while hovering over a water source
or dip tank through a snorkel/hover pump. The hover pump
can fill the tank to capacity at suppressant/retardant sites
with as little as 18 inches (45.72 cm) in depth.

Bambi Buckets:
Columbia’s fleet can deploy to fires with the SEI Powerfill
Torrentula Bambi Bucket with a capacity of 2,600 gallons
(9,842 liters) with our Columbia Model 234 Chinook. We
also operate the smaller Bambi Bucket with a capacity
1,300 gallons (4,921 liters) with our Columbia Model 107-II
Vertol. Each Bambi Bucket contains four high-speed pumps
that can fill the bucket in less than 90 seconds from sources
as shallow as 18 inches (45.72 cm). In addition to filling from
traditional water sources such as lakes, ponds, rivers and
oceans, these versatile water buckets can be filled from
shallow streams and ponds, as well as dip tanks. Buckets
are typically suspended 200 feet (61 meters) below the
helicopter, allowing Columbia’s pilots to access tree-lined
streams and ponds, or other access-restricted water sources.

SEI Powerfill Torrentula
Bambi Bucket
Simplex FAS internal tank
Cargo hook and rigging
Specialized rigging

CH-47D helicopters are 24% faster
and 40% more fuel efficient than
other helicopters in its class
Higher cruise speed and better fuel
efficiency translates into delivering
greater payloads
Fire tank and bucket can
accommodate foam, gel and
retardant in addition to water

CH-47D Fire tank capacity:
2,800 gallons (10,599 liters)
Fire tank can be filled in 60 seconds
and emptied in 4 seconds
6 water drop settings
8 coverage drop selections
234/CH-47D Bucket capacity:
2,600 gallons (9,842 liters)
107-II Bucket capacity:
1,300 gallons (4,921 liters)

Positioning Water Drops Effectively:
Once the aircraft is over the fire, Columbia’s pilots are able to drop suppressants
and retardants in a variety of ways to best meet the needs of the ground fire
fighters. The pilots can create a massive fire line by partially opening the bucket/
tank while in forward flight. They can open and close the gate to dispense a series
of spot drops, or they can hit stubborn hotspots with a precise, massive spot drop.
Bubble windows on both the pilot’s and co-pilot’s sides facilitate quick pick up and
provide a full view of the drop area to ensure obstacle clearance and enhance
safe load delivery. Once over the location, the load is placed precisely over the
designated target and the pilot electrically opens the bucket/tank’s gate.


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