Best PVP Addons Guide | Dragonflight | WOW

Описание к видео Best PVP Addons Guide | Dragonflight | WOW

In this video I go over all the addons you need to play WOW PVP arena at your best performance. This addons are all you need to begin, or continue your journey to Gladiator/Legend or perhaps rank 1 ^^
World of Warcraft Dragonflight
Thanks for watching ^^

0:00 - Intro
0:16 - Gladius
1:24 - OmniBar
1:57 - OmniCD
2:27 - BigDebuffs
3:18 - WeakAuras
4:33 - MoveAnything
5:25 - Bartender4
6:44 - Outro

#wow #mmorpg #gaming #worldofwarcraft #wowpvp #Fayr


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