Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - AIUNCP in

Описание к видео Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - AIUNCP in

All Initially Unlocked Non-Collectible Pickups, so pick up everything that
A) isn't a collectible
B) appears straight away at the start of the game

A dumb category I came up with that was actually surprisingly fun
Pick up all:
Cop Bribes
Weapon pickups
Adrenaline pills
Cassette tapes
Anything else that I forgot

Basically anything that respawns, collectibles don't respawn. So in this run I'm not getting:
Hidden packages
Asset purchase tokens
Anything that I need to do stuff for other than going there to unlock

Follow me on Twitch:   / lotsofs  
LotsOfS is also my nick on other social media.
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