Drentsche Patrijshond / 99+1 Dog Breeds

Описание к видео Drentsche Patrijshond / 99+1 Dog Breeds

The Drentse Patrijshond. This guy’s no softie, but he has a sensitive and good natured side that shines through. His gentle and affectionate approach to his relationships make him the perfect choice for families. Although he isn’t a naturally obedient dog, he is absolutely devoted to his master.

Sensitive yet tough / Affectionate family dog / Dotes on and submits to his master

Apart from fireside cuddles with you he also likes to get outdoors, but don’t be surprised if he acts a little clingy and focuses on your every move; contact is very important to him. He’ll adore the children and will have no issues fitting into a family setting.

Likes to cosy up… and get out in the field / Won’t let you out of sight / Loves the family, especially kids

He is - in all manner of ways - a working dog, so needs plenty of exercise, and preferably work based. Doing this will make sure he’s always clear about who’s the boss, and give him the physical and mental stimulation he needs. A good walk or run for sticks each day will also be fine, as long as he gets the chance to feel useful he’ll be happy.

Working dog that loves to hunt… which also helps to clarify his status / Needs exercise… but not too much

His attentiveness to you makes him fairly easy to train, but be sure to take things step by step. He can become distressed if pushed too hard during training, and will distance himself from you over time. Care wise, a good brushing twice weekly should suffice.

Easy to train… but take it slow / Push him too hard and you’ll lose him / Brush twice a week

Interesting facts: Bred to hunt a wider range of game than other hunting breeds, he’s at home alongside the gun and able to point and fetch anything that’s required. The breed was also developed to act as watchdog and children’s entertainer to allow the owner to concentrate on hunting and the festivities that followed!

Bred for all hunters… not just gentry / Was expected to multitask in the past!

The Drentse Patrijshond. A keen hunter, a gentle nanny and a devoted friend.

Hunter, nanny and friend.


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