The Reproductive System | Reproduction in Human | ICSE LIVE | Biology Class 10 | Session 1-Swiflearn

Описание к видео The Reproductive System | Reproduction in Human | ICSE LIVE | Biology Class 10 | Session 1-Swiflearn

This is Session 1 of LIVE Class for Class 10 Biology: The Reproductive System. In this Session of The Reproductive System from ICSE, Biology Class 10, Trisika Ma'am will take you through some of the Important topic of the Chapter: The Reproductive System.


Reproduction in Humans


Types of Reproduction

Male reproductive system

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00:00 - Introduction
07:45 - Reproduction
10:30 - Types of reproduction
22:55 - Male reproductive system

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The Reproductive System

Reproduction is a biological process by which offspring or new individual organisms are produced by their parent. Each individual organism that has ever existed is because of reproduction.

It occurs in plants and animals, and in simple single-celled organisms to complex multicellular beings.
There are two types of reproduction systems in animals:
Asexual reproduction:
A type of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single organism, and inherit the genes of that parent only.

For example, bacteria divideasexually viabinary fission, viruses use host cells to produce more viruses and hydras reproduce by budding.

In other words, these organisms are asexual, that is they do not identify as male or female. This processdoes not involve the fusion of gametes and the number of chromosomes almost remainthe same.

Therefore, they are capable of cloning splitting themselves into another organism.

Sexual reproduction: Requires the interaction between two organisms (two parents) to produce an offspring. Reproduction occurs due to theunion of morphologically distinct male and female gametes to form a zygote.Gonads:Organs that produce gametes.

Gametes are haploid and fuse to restore diploid condition in the zygote.

Reproduction is the key point of continuance of life on earth.

Binary fission may seem similar to mitosis, but they are not the same. Mitosis does not result in a new individual, but binary fission does.

Secondary sexual characters are often seen in sexually reproducing organisms which help us to differentiate between male and female organisms.The human reproductive system in humans is a combination of male and female reproductive systems and requires the participation of both. The reproductive process involves three stages:

Production of sperm and semen in the male reproductive system.

Depositing the sperm in the vaginal canals.

Fertilisation and gestation in the female reproductive system. The gestation period lasts from seven to nine months after which a baby is born. During the gestational period, the foetus is protected and nourished till birth by the mother.

Then the entire life cycle begins again: The offspring or the baby grows and reaches puberty when he/she starts becoming reproductively mature. Eventually, he/she grows into an adult and mingles with another adult to create life.

In this lesson, you will learn about the human reproductive systems in detail. Terms associated with the human reproductive system:

Spermatogenesis: The process of production of sperms in the gonads of males.

Oogenesis: The process of production of eggs in the gonads of females.

Accessory reproductive parts: These include all the organs and body parts that are a part of the reproduction process and they help with the transfer, meeting of two kinds of sex cells, fertilisation, growth, and development of the egg and the birth of the baby.

Puberty: The period during which immature reproductive systems of boys and girls attain maturity and become capable of reproduction.

In boys, the change of voice and discharge of semen indicate the onset of puberty.

In girls, the onset of menses, appearance of mammary glands and widening of the hips are the signs of puberty.


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