Introduction to Date Calculations in Excel

Описание к видео Introduction to Date Calculations in Excel

This tutorial shows you some of the common date calculations you might want to do in Excel and the functions you can use to do them.

00:13 - Get today's date using TODAY()
00:34 - Get current date and time using NOW()
00:47 - Calculate today plus x days
01:01 - Calculate current date and time plus x days
01:10 - Calculate number of days between dates
01:28 - Calculate number of days between dates using DATEDIF()
02:01 - Calculate number of years between dates using DATEDIF()
02:23 - Calculate number of months over and above whole years using DATEDIF()
02:51 - Calculate days over and above whole years and months
03:31 - Build a string combining years, months and days

Here are the functions I used in my examples, please copy and adapt for your data:

Years: =DATEDIF(B5,TODAY(),"y")
Months: =DATEDIF(B5,TODAY(),"ym")
Days: =B5-DATE(YEAR(B5),MONTH(B5),1)

Combined String: =DATEDIF(B5,TODAY(),"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(B5,TODAY(),"ym")&" months, "&(B5-DATE(YEAR(B5),MONTH(B5),1)&" days")


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