(2018) Unity Cloud Saving - Google Play Services [11]

Описание к видео (2018) Unity Cloud Saving - Google Play Services [11]

Unity 3d Google Play Services Integration 2018 tutorials is a complete video tutorial series on how to Integrate play services and google mobile ads
in unity it includes the following:

1. How to Upload game on play store and integrate google play services.
2. How to login user in google play in unity.
3. How to add leaderboard in unity game.
4. how to add acheivements in your game in unity 2018.
5. how to integrate google admob banner and interstitial ads in unity.
6. google play services multiplayer integration.
7. saving game data on google play services saved games cloud saving.

Follow the whole playlist:
   • Google Play Services Unity 2018  

Course Contents
Upload Game on Playstore.
part 1 :    • Unity3d How to upload  game on Google...  
Create Game Services Leaderboard and acheivements.
part 2 :    • Unity upload Game on playstore with g...  
Unity User Login to playservices.
part 3 :    • unity Google play services Login user...  
solving plugins problem unity 3d.
part 4 :    • unity Google Play Games Services Plug...  
Testing Login Functionality On Android.
part 5 :    • Testing GPG login functionality on an...  
PlayServices unity signIn Failed Fixed.
part 6 :    • how to fix google play games sign in ...  
Leaderboard and Achheivement Code in Unity.
part 7 :    • Google Play Services 2018 (Achievemen...  
showing Leaderboard On Android unity.
part 8 :    • Testing Leaderboard and achievements ...  
Admob ads implementation in unity.
part 9 :    • Google Play Games Services - Saved Ga...  
Testing Google mobile ads banner and interstitial.
part 10 :    • Unity 3d Android google ADmob Ads tes...  
Google play services saved games cloud saving
part 11 :    • (2018) Unity Cloud Saving - Google Pl...  
Google play services saved games cloud saving Testing
part 12 :    • Google Play Games Services - Saved Ga...  


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