Stunning Luxury Home in Burke Mountain Coquitlam SOLD by Jordon Sutton and Associates

Описание к видео Stunning Luxury Home in Burke Mountain Coquitlam SOLD by Jordon Sutton and Associates

Despite a period of slow sales caused from rapidly rising interest rates JSA sells this beautiful custom home located in Burke Mountain Coquitlam for a record price. With more and more homes coming to the market and very little homes of this caliber selling we knew we had to do everything we could get the right people inside and the home would do the rest of the work for us.

Selling to an international family we were able to achieve yet another record breaking sale and further separate ourselves as leaders in our local real estate industry.

If you are looking for top notch representation for your home or for looking to find a real estate agent help you best navigate the changing markets than look no further than JSA. Our business plan is to be your competitive advantage building life long partnerships along the way.

Contact Jordon Sutton at [email protected] for all your real estate needs or head to


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