Self Liberation Yoga Nidra - Claim Your Spiritual Power Now (with Sri Devidas)

Описание к видео Self Liberation Yoga Nidra - Claim Your Spiritual Power Now (with Sri Devidas)

Embody your spiritual power with this spiritual liberation yoga nidra session, as you ground your self in your highest True Self and claim ultimate freedom as the cause and effect of your reality.
This guided meditation is based off the Vedanta mantra "Aham Brahmasmi", which means 'I am Brahman'. Brahman is absolute existence, the ultimate reality and the eternally evolving collective consciousness beyond the world of name and form. It is the substratum from which all things arise. Just as in a dream all that you experience is made of 'mind-stuff' and has no true inherent existence of it's own, so too in this world everything is made from consciousness. Just as all matter is energy, all energy is consciousness. It is human nature to identify with the body and mind, however, we are in fact that ultimate consciousness that is creating our reality from the inside out.
It is one thing to understand this truth, but to realize it is what allows the actual life-changing transformation to occur where you become a fully liberated spiritual being, the master of your destiny, a conscious creator, and the cause of your reality HERE and NOW!

➡ 100% Free Beginners Yoga Nidra Course:

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New Release Schedule:
Experience a new guided meditation every Sunday night at 6:00pm (PST)


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