Antimicrobial reduction in feed, your questions answered!

Описание к видео Antimicrobial reduction in feed, your questions answered!

Antibiotic resistance is rising to dangerously high levels in all parts of the world. New resistance mechanisms are emerging and spreading globally, threatening our ability to treat common infectious diseases.

A significant share of antibiotic use today is in animal husbandry, and two-thirds of the predicted growth in antibiotic use globally is in this sector. Moving away from antibiotics can be challenging and requires a new way of thinking, adapting feeding practices and biosecurity plans.

The use of feed additives to mitigate mycotoxins, modulate the gut and increase overall animal performance can be a valid, sustainable alternative for the future if applied correctly.

Understanding the role of feed additives and related technologies can be very overwhelming, and because of this, we have put together a panel of experts to answer the hottest questions from the field.


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