Enter the Chief Revenue Office The Rise of a New Corporate Role

Описание к видео Enter the Chief Revenue Office The Rise of a New Corporate Role

Following the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Customer Officer, the role of the Chief Revenue Officer has emerged in several SaaS and software companies in the last few years. The underlying intent of this new role is to drive greater efficiency, growth, and predictability of revenue -- and to minimize silos of activity that impede building a cohesive revenue process. While the title has become more common, each company tends to define the role in a different way. All CROs have purview over Sales, but many oversee Customer Success and a few run Marketing as well.

Join this discussion to hear how the CRO role can bring greater cohesion to the revenue process across marketing, sales, and customer success? How does the CRO balance new business acquisition with renewal and expansion revenue? What are the different organizational models that companies are testing around the CRO function? Is there any intrinsic divergence or conflict with the CCO role? What are some of the lessons learned from companies that have been early to institute this new role?


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