David Wilkerson - Hearing and Knowing the Voice of the Lord | Sermon

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#DavidWilkerson - Hearing and Knowing the Voice of the Lord | #Sermon
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18:01 "You thought you could sin without dire consequences.."
20:00 "I gave you houses you did not build.. but you got casual and forgot Me!"
20:13 When you've just conquered your bosom sin then the enemy comes in like a flood!!
27:05 ANY secret sin will ALWAYS drown out the voice of God!
•Coming from a man, similarly to a Derek Prince or David Pawson, lived a life truly hearing the voice of the LORD
•Perhaps Wilkerson heard Him better than anyone in the last 50-100 yrs-what ministry was more effective than his? 1000 member choir of ex prostitutes,etc
27:20 If you continue in a sinful deed or act, it's IMPOSSIBLE for you to hear the voice of God!!
28:10 Willful sin will always bring false demonic voices
30:40 Malachi 2 "profaning the holiness of the Lord"; Dear Lord what a passage Mal2:13-15 (are You speaking this to me in someway?) "He will not speak to them, even though they flood the altar w/ tears bc they have not been faithful to their wives.." Make sure to re-meditate upon this chp and review Mal again
31:35 "You'll repent and change and then I'll talk w/ you"!!
39:30 After Nathan swings by he's able to hear the voice again after he gets right; that's why Nathan & gad were crucial!!
39:48 Things I've learned out hearing His voice:
40:15 1. "The moment that you are willing to do whatever the Lord says nomatter what the cost, you will hear His voice loud and clear"
41:30 2. "Under the new covenant, God will never introduce Himself"; uses his wife knowing his voice over the phone as an example. (Seems like somewhat of a lesser point bc darkness will switch their approach up to what will be most effective so they'll drop the "this is God speaking" line when it's no longer effective)
44:10 "still small voice" & also leaves you in peace
44:25 3. "His voice is heard only when your heart is fully surrendered to truth"
•Concludes by expounding upon the centrality & absolute necessity for the follower of Christ to hear His voice bc you can't even repent of your sin w/ out the voice the of the Holy Ghost to not only make you aware of that sin but to also instruct you concerning g how to keep you from falling back into it!1Cor10:13 *And that will ONLY happen by hearing His voice This! This is why cessationism is absolute nonsense and must be completely and totally rejected bc it's stems from a "wicked heart of unbelief" even if the person in part has good intentions. *To say the HS quit speaking is nonsense bc everything concerning your life is not written in the Bible such as the HS's many manifold convictions!! If you're addicted to crank or heroine you won't find a Bible verse say "quit that crank &or heroine"; that will ONLY come by way of the HS speaking into one's life. If the HS doesn't still speak then He cannot then fulfill Jn14:28,16:13 so in embracing cessionism you are thereby denying those txt to be true bc you cannot be taught all things and shown things to come w/out hearing His voice.

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