রঙ্গন ফুল গাছের পরিচর্যা আমরা কিভাবে করবো ?

Описание к видео রঙ্গন ফুল গাছের পরিচর্যা আমরা কিভাবে করবো ?

The best floral displays are(horticulture) produced by Ixora grown in full sun situations. Well-drained soil and moderate to slightly acidic pH are crucial to growing an(horticulture) Ixora bush. The plant develops chlorosis when installed(horticulture) in alkaline soils. Keep the soil evenly(horticulture) moist and prune the plant when it gets unruly. Ixora responds well to shearing and makes an excellent low hedge with its(horticulture) 4 to 6 foot height. Propagation of the shrub is through stem cuttings which can be rooted with the help of a rooting(horticulture) hormone. The flowers also occasionally produce a dark purple to black berry with seeds that are sometimes viable.(horticulture) Clean the pulp off the seed and soak it over night. Plant in a 2-inch pot filled with good seed starter mix.(horticulture) Moisten the mixture and fasten a plastic bag over the pot. Place in a warm location with moderate light. Keep the pot moist (horticulture)and move it to bright light as soon as the seed has germinated.
Ixora plant care is negligible, (horticulture)which makes it useful as part of the low maintenance landscape. Annual spring pruning and fertilizing will enhance the plant’s(horticulture) health. Some diseases that are common are fungal but can be minimized by suspending overhead watering(horticulture). Water only the root zone to prevent the foliage from getting wet.(horticulture) Spider mites and aphids are common but are more of a nuisance than a serious threat. Use an(horticulture) insecticidal oil spray to combat these pests. Use a 2- to 3-inch(horticulture) layer of mulch around the root zone to prevent competitive weeds, enhance water retention and add organic(horticulture) nutrients to the soil. Care of Ixora plants in containers requires re-potting every two to three years. Bring the(horticulture) shrubs indoors if any frost is predicted. The plants are extremely(horticulture) tender and will succumb to freezing(horticulture) temperatures.


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