How Masturbation Helps a Relationship | Psychology of Sex

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So the first thing I want to say about masturbation is, it’s completely normal; just re-frame it and think about it as self-stimulation. And what we know is that even in-utero babies already start to touch themselves because they know intuitively what feels good. You’re certainly going to see toddlers and kids way before the age of puberty exploring their bodies and figuring out what feels good. So recognizing that once you hit puberty all of a sudden you can, for men, have erections and begin ejaculation, and for women who may have been having orgasms for some time, it’s an opportunity to explore the ways in which you feel and receive pleasure, and when you can communicate and know what first you like to experience and enjoy, it makes it that much easier for you to express that and to convey it to any future partner all the ways in which you like to be turned on. So, the important thing here is just to normalize, that there are no, there’s no, too much or too little. It’s all about what feels and works and looks right for you. It’s also something to recognize that it’s private and that you need to create a time and a space that your interest in self-stimulation isn’t something that’s going to impact anyone else. So, make sure that you find that quiet space and time and enjoy.


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