Titan - the LARGEST natural cave shaft in the UK

Описание к видео Titan - the LARGEST natural cave shaft in the UK

On 1st January 2022, Gracie and I set off to descend the largest cave shaft in the United Kingdom - TITAN. This video shows our journey from the top to the bottom and includes a brief history of Titan as well as some insights on what it is like to be in such a huge cave, deep underground.


1) The entire entrance series, including the horizontal shaft was man-made, not just the vertical shaft.
2) Titan was originally discovered on 1st Jan, 1999. It was never accessed by miners and the reference to a shaft in a diary was to Leviathan, a nearby shaft in the same system which was discovered before Titan.
3) The bottom of Titan never forms a lake, even in very wet conditions, as the water sinks entirely through the boulder choke.

Thank you to those who have pointed these out.

More info: https://northall.me.uk/posts/titan/

00:16 Entrance Shaft
02:20 Entrance Passage
03:33 Top of Titan
04:44 First Pitch
05:39 Event Horizon
09:00 Second Pitch
10:04 Bottom of Titan
11:03 Gracie Ascending
13:15 Photos


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