🌱A Starter's Guide to Fishing in FFXIV

Описание к видео 🌱A Starter's Guide to Fishing in FFXIV

In this short guide, Fruity Snacks will take you through unlocking the Fisher job, catching your first fish, and other basic fishing information you'll need to know when fishing in FFXIV.

0:00 Intro & Why Fisher is Neat
0:40 Unlocking Fisher
1:03 Getting Gear
1:34 Your First Fishing Rod
1:51 Bait, Applying Bait and Where to get it
2:42 Casting Out Your First Time
3:00 Fish Bite Types
3:19 Catching your First Fishes
4:15 Completing Your First Quest and What it Unlocks
4:36 What to do Next, and What to Look Forward to
5:23 Outro

Fisher is unlocked in Limsa Lominsa at the Fisherman's Guild after completing your Lv10 Disciple of War or Magic job quest. After talking to the guild attendant you'll get your first fishing rod, and can start your first quest "My First Fishing Rod." In this quest you'll catch five lominsan anchovy for Sisipu using Lugworm as bait.

Apply Lugworm to your rod by using the Bait skill to open the bait and tackle window, then selecting Lugworm. Once you've done that, cast out and use hook whenever a fish bites, indicated by a !, !! or !!! over your characters head.

If you need new gear or bait, you can talk to various vendors and merchants across the world. Certain fish only bite (or bite more regularly) on certain baits, and some baits can only be used in certain fishing biomes. Check the description to know which bait works were.

Be sure to continue your job quests! You can level by ocean fishing, overworld fishing, doing Leves, or even Grand Company Turn-ins.

Good luck and happy fishing!

💻Cast Timer Macro: https://pastebin.com/vvyciqJR
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