Don't Stop Me Now in IMPRESSIONS!!! (Queen Cover)

Описание к видео Don't Stop Me Now in IMPRESSIONS!!! (Queen Cover)

Don't Stop Me Now but in Impressions
Queen Don't Stop Me Now Impression Cover

hey person reading this, yeah you!!
have you ever wondered what Queens song Don't Stop Me Now would sound like if it were sung by a bunch of your favorite characters?? ME TOO!!! maybe someday we'll get to see it successfully happen
in the meantime, here's some spaz trying to sing a song in a bunch of voice

yeah I went there and called him a spaz. what's he going to do HUH??? i'm not afraid of no PUNK!!!!!!

ANYWHOOOOOSE hey how's it been going for youz? still staying safe and sane during this whole plague?? hope so, I officially slipped into madness about 15 days ago after my 58th psychotic breakdown. it's actually pretty fun, I highly recommend doing the same thing

the best part is when you start hallucinating imaginary friends. we broke into the Hersheys chocolate factory last night and swam in the chocolate river like in willy wonka

one of my hallunicated friends didn't know how to swim though, so now he's going to be packaged and shipped out in about 200 chocolate bars

if you find him YOU WIN A FREE TOUR OF WILLY WONKAS FACTORY!!!! (watch out for the Oompa Loompas, they may look friendly but they're actually vicous carnivores that hunt in packs. they like to go
after small children so if you're a parent, be sure to have your kids close to your side so you can easily outrun them and escape if the Oompa Loomps attack

P.S. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii am going to try to start
uploading more againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ??????????? sorry sorry sorry sorry i've just been busy and going through some stuffsssssssssssssss BUTT now i'm ready to ignore everything else in life and make more YouTube videos again hahahahahahahahaHAHAHA

P.S.S. for real though haha I've got 3 I already recorded and just need to edit sooooooo the next impression one should be up next Monday!!!

P.S.S.S. its a COLLABBBBBBBBBB!!!! MY FIRST COLLABBBBBB!!!!!!!!!! (on this channel)

P.S.S.S.S. did you catch my super discreet easter egg at the end of the video?????????

P.S.S.S.S.S. the part with the elderly lady???????

P.S.S.S.S.S.S. yeah it was her!!!

P.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. she was holding scissors, im going to start doing arts and crafts videos now, that's the easter egg. the first one i'm going to draw and cut out a pretty sun

P.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. who is mid explosion thus causing an eternal winter apocalypse on earth, thus ending the human race, thus ending all the bad stuff us humans do, thus therefore finally achieving every pageant girls dream, WORLD PEACE.....due to the complete erradication of all life
BUT STILL, World Peace :)

P.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT im also making more videos with that elderly lady, so if you haven't, feel free to check out the first one, she does arts and crafts too

P.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. if u r read this comment "spaghetti ravioli" in comments to confuzzle all the other peoples

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