Space Pt 5 - melodic techno / progressive house - live jam

Описание к видео Space Pt 5 - melodic techno / progressive house - live jam

Another live jam with my dawless techno set. Live recorded with Akai MPC One, Moog Minitaur, Behringer Crave & Edge, Cre8audio East Beast & West Pest, Behringer JT-4000, Novation Peak, Roland S-1 and Fred's Lab Buzzzy!

00:00 Start No. 9
04:04 Astroid shower
08:38 Turbo boost
14:29 Storm
20:50 U-Turn
26:02 Lost freight
30:59 Meteor
40:08 30 light years
44:12 Udaga 34
49:39 Too many stars

Remark: I had to make an edit mid set around minute 23 as my MPC froze. After a few seconds it was ok again, so I continued.


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